Together we make the difference.

Every donation, however small, is greatly appreciated.
Indeed, we would rather receive 2000 x 1 EUR than 1 x 2000 EUR.
Because each gift is an intention, and with all our intentions together, we make Epoché strong!


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"Everything that is given from
the heart, is returned
in fivefold"

Brecht Arnaert

Comments from donators

Your generous interaction informs, excites, affirms, creates curiosity and invites. You and your team have simply earned this small token of appreciation. 


My donation is small, however, very much gifted and with a warm heart. I appreciate your work very much and am grateful that you have come my way. The information and knowledge you share is very valuable and useful, and I hope you can continue this for a long time to come.

Karin Daams

I find you a very pleasant person to listen to and I believe that you are right about everything. Our government leaders cannot be trusted anymore.

Lisa Becks

My motivation to donate is my inner feeling, the feeling that I have an influence on what I can make grow. With my choices, with my money, I can make the right thing grow. It is also a way of expressing my gratitude and appreciation to you for all the insights I have been allowed to gain from your words.

Karen Nijsens

I was happy to donate! You got the scoop in any case. Through a friend I received a link where you are in conversation with Jorn Luka. I listened intently, rewound often and started looking at many things differently. When two people take the time to convey information with good intentions I am willing to pay for it.

Marijke Van Roekel

I found the conversation between you and Matthias Desmet very informative and valuable. I hope you will share more such conversations in the future. To make that possible, I have donated. I have so much admiration for you. 

Corrien Beeke

We live in difficult and strange times. Searching for the truth is very important and therefore people who are at the forefront of this need to be supported. If we give a push with many then the support is ever so great. The mainstream media is failing with flying colors and has not been defending our democracy for a long time now.

Eric Tomme

Brecht, I am a fan of your critical honest perspective. But certainly also of your HUMANITY and that in a spirited manner. Wonderful. Touching. Resonating. Much needed. I am convinced that such inspired stimulating honest leadership is 1000% needed in a world full of unity consciousness. 


Donation transferred
Fan from the 1st minute
The light is indestructible.


Congratulations, and good luck with Epoché! 


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